Special Shoes For Very Special Feet
Really Special Shoes For Very Special Feet A very unique male who spent a lifetime making really special shoes for some really special feet just recently passed away. For individuals with disfigured feet, shopping for shoes that would allow them to stroll was a near impossibility. Robert Mokros lost his foot at the age of 13 and discovered out exactly how difficult it was for any of how brand-new classmates to purchase shoes might be. Robert created his extremely special shoes for people with disfigurements all around the world, and unlike shoe shopping for many of us, he did not even need the foot the shoe was meant for. Simply taking a look at an individual's feet he was able to carve the exact similarity from wood in order to fit the shoe to the foot. He utilized a few assistive devices such as color footprints or plaster castings and often just paper tracings or simple sketches. His distinct talent permitted countless consumers to purchase their first set of shoes. Some h...